Hoa Pham

Sunday, March 19, 2006


This is a post to myself, trying to figure out where to focus my energy. I have been trying to get up a project called "Silence" through AVYM, an all Vietnamese women's production. We are looking for a woman director and this is taking up time. I am currently engaged most regularly on my thesis project "Digging up the bones" which I think in the end will be a good finished novel. And I have all these other ideas that result in half finished work, or the first four pages, fragments of work. I went to an MJ Hyland reading and she was in my 1996 RMIT writing class. She was determined to become a published writer here and overseas and has succeeded through discipline and will power. I do not have that much discipline, my mind is all over the place. If I wanted to focus purely on publishing, I could do young adult work- there seems to be a demand for it. I'm driven by stories about refugees and schizophrenia right now, and I guess that could fit it- but they are mostly adult in conception. Hmmm.


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