Hoa Pham

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Donna Jackson rocks!

Went to a Donna Jackson workshop on CCD and it was great! She postulated a model in which you are u pfront about ex ploring challenging issues and getting commitment from participants, and with the foresight of flagging that the director stops being consultatitive and starts being artistic ahead of time to avoid tension. This would avoid some of the tensions that emerged during Children of the Dragon. DonnaJackson also postulated that you have to put making great art as the first priority and art cannot save people, social change would come as a secondary effect. I think there is an interesting tension to be had there. I think participating in the arts can empower people and validate them as per David Nguyen's response to my interview questions.
Otherwise I've been busy lately- moving house and preparing to be a full time writer (rather than saying I'm unemployed- that's too depressing).