Hoa Pham

Tuesday, February 28, 2006

a geeky nerd

Thanks to Tseen I have found a nerd-geek-dork test. I am

You scored higher than 59% on nerdiness
You scored higher than 72% on geekosity
You scored higher than 71% on dork points and am a modern cool nerd. Meaning I read for pleasure damnit!

The Peril theme is nerds and it's turning out to be a lot of fun! It's also sparked a lot of interest so all of Alister's hard work is paying off.

If you're interested the test is here:


Friday, February 24, 2006

new creative stuff

I'm involved in a couple of projects that need writers to come up with submissions!

First: Peril is a new Asian-Australian website designed to build a critical mass of Asian-Australian art and cultural concerns. Our ambition is to have two core issues a year on the site with a forum board for people to chat and comment. Why Peril? From the so called Yellow Peril that labelled the wave of Chinese immigration in the 19th century. We are perilious and take risks but not in the way that the Pauline Hansons of the world think!
Our first issue is themed nerds so check it out: http://www.asianaustralian.org

Second: The Voicebox is compilating an anthology about women's experiences of drugs or how drugs have affected women's lives. If you have a piece of prose, poetry, first person view or article send it to voicebox@buoyancy.org

Thursday, February 09, 2006


Just to let people know that you can hear me and other cool Vietnamese-Australian women on the Voicebox Tuesdays 6:30pm on 3CR. I got involved in this through Helen Huynh one of the co-writers for Children of the Dragon. The show chats about a range of things including sex, drugs and other things mainly of Vietnamese-Australian interest but in English. Here is their website: http://voicebox.buoyancy.org.au/ but it needs updating- my name isn't up there yet!
And another thing I've been doing lately- or to be more accurate my partner has been doing lately- building the website for Peril. www.asianaustralian.org for a space for an Asian-Australian journal.

Saturday, February 04, 2006


Just finished reading Karen Armstrong's A History of Myth which covers myth making from primitive times up to the present day. She suggests that nowadays we are dominated by logos- rationality and that novelists and creative artists are the ones left to ritualise and enact out myths. I actively drew on myth to write Vixen and am still trying to make my own myths with Pearl. Somehow Vixen reached something almost spiritual in me and seemed to touch other people as well. I don't know how to recapture that (if I did I wouldn't have so much trouble getting published again!) But I am having a short piece "yolk" published in the next issue of HEAT- my first real publication for 5 years.