Hoa Pham

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

len dong ceremony

Yesterday went to a len dong ceremony that went for four hours! it is devoted to the mother goddess and the person performing (it's really a series of rituals rather than spirit mediumship) embodies 21 different spirits from mandarins to women. It's very elaborate and complex accompanied by music and singing, and repetitive- first a red veil over the face to symbolise the spirit entering then a costume change, often a cigarette or two, then incense bowing to the altar and then dances- with fans, swords or other equipment. Followed by handing out of offerings to the audience of money and cans of beer, fruit or whatever. I found it hypnotic, and the woman performing Bac Rose was seventy years old and remarkable. All this thanks to Kirsten Endres whom is pictured here putting together the offerings
I will be on blog hiatus for three weeks whilst I'm in Australia- so merry christmas and happy new year to you all!


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