Hoa Pham

Saturday, November 18, 2006

nim binh

went on a tour yesterday to nim binh. Saw two ordinary looking pagodas dedicated to early kings of Vietnam- they were not fully restored and not as spectacular even compared to the Chua that I went to for mindfulness day. Then had a lovely rowboat ride through three caves past limestone mountains. it was a bit of a tourist trap after the third cave we were rowed straight into a flotilla of boats selling drinks and fruit and weren't left alone until we bought something. Then on the way back our rowboat produced clothing and tablecloths for us to buy! It pissed one tourist off so much she didn't tip the women when we got back to the pier. I'm sort of resigned to this stuff, I regard it as part of the deal when you go on a tour. But we also saw water buffalo, goats (yum!) ducks waddling along the road with the traffic, and a basket of dogs on the way to a restaurant (one assumes!)


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